Welcome to my Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review. I am an affiliate and vendor since 2012. At present a lot of product released in market but it’s tough to identify which one is best. So, before purchasing any digital info product you must need to know more details about that product. Today you are in right place to take the right decision. I will discuss here everything point to point. What is it, how it works, is it scam or not, is it recommended or not etc…You will get a overview of this Affiliate Funnel Bot-2. Read my Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review and take your best decision.
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review – Product Info At a Glance :
First you have to know what is about this product. It’s necessary to know what is this related and do you need it or not!
Vendors : Chris X, Rich Williams, Teresa
Product : Affiliate Funnel Bots-2
Launch Date : 2019-Sep-23
Launch Time : 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price : $47 [Doesn’t Worth]
Skill : Minimum 5+ Years Experience
Niche : Software
Upsell : 4 [Without Upsell This Product is Not Complete]
Recommendation : Highly NOT Recommend! [Don’t Waste Money & Time]
Rating : 2/10
What is Affiliate Funnel Bot-2?
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 is an all-in-one cloud-based app. you’re getting 3 software tools in 1… That does everything you need to sell your own products, build a list & make commissions.Promote 40 of the top affiliate programs on ClickBank, JVZoo & WarriorPlus..Build a huge list on any autoresponder you like…And do it all in just 60 seconds…
Some Big Reasons Why I Don’t Recommended It!
-> Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 is not proven software for working.
-> There is no good traffic source that convert your products or offers.
-> This affiliate funnel bot quality is too much poor to sales.
-> This software is not beginners friendly.
-> You have to wait 3/4 weeks to complete this training.
-> You need to invest huge money in other purpose, if you want to apply this software.
-> Doesn’t worth the price($47) of this software.
“If anyone can MAKE A SINGLE DOLLAR by using this affiliate funnel bot, then comment below. I will delete my post” – It’s my GUARANTEE.!
I am fully confident that it’s Not Recommended for anyone.(Get Started World’s No# 1 Online Business Model)
What You Will Get Inside Affiliate Funnel Bot-2?

Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 is an amazing product for the expert marketers. You will get a lot of things inside it. But the main problem is the traffic. This product don’t provide you the convert-able traffic. Traffic is the key to online success, but it’s a big lacking of this product. Promoting your offers or products in Facebook, Instagram or YouTube you don’t get any positive results. Then I don’t believe any software for affiliate marketing because no software provide you the satisfactory results. You have to invest minimum 500+ for completing this product and applying this software. So to get result is must need but it don’t get any positive results that why you need to buy this product. And all for those reason I can’t recommended this software for anyone. In case of newbie and non-experienced marketer it’s Highly Not Recommended!
A present an awesome affiliate program is running successfully in market. Most of the newbies are joining here and gathering knowledge for get commissions and running their business for lifetime. So, If you don’t understand from where you will start your business and if you want to run your business for life time then it’s the no #1 and must needed affiliate training for you. (Join Here For Just – $7)
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review – Look Here The False Statement of Sales Page :

If you think everything is DFY means you don’t need to do anything then it’s your wrong thinking. Your funnel mat be DFY but you must need marketing knowledge to use such type of DFY funnels. Then don’t depend on any software for selling affiliate products or your own products. Every software is designed for various features but when you tying to apply this then you will find a huge and huge lacking inside it.
Then do you believe in just 60 seconds you make sales and get commissions? No and NEVER. There is no software in the market that give you commissions within 60 seconds. If you have 50K mail or run ads with huge budget then you can get sales within 60 seconds. But this software is not capable to do it.

All the features of this product is so much amazing to buy this software. But fact is results. In most of the case such type of DFY funnels are build using various PLR products, and using PLR funnels you never get a single funnels. Then one more thing is when such type of DFY software release in market then 1000/2000 units are sold and everyone use this same DFY funnels then how can it possible to get sales? Do you think it?
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Look Here The False Statement of Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Sales Page :

I can’t imagine a software make everything in just 60 seconds. I don’t like any done for you funnel for affiliate marketing because without your personal marketing experience you never get any good results. But overall this software provide you a lot of elements for marketing but don’t provide you solid traffic system. But you have have 10K mail list then you can use this software and get results I hope otherwise not.

Funnel bot is a brand new automated software with a lot of opportunities. But you must need huge and huge traffic source and marketing experience for using this software. Then all hard work has alredy been done for you it’d right but the sales guarantee is not proven. So, I don’t like such type of product where there is no convert-able traffic sources. Now think everything and take your best decision.

You will get 20 funnels and websites then you will get 47 professionally created campaign videos then you you will get 47 done for you headlines.. I am happy with such type of DFY features but I don’t appreciate the traffic campaigns. You never get any sales using this traffic. If you have personal traffic source then it’s okay. And another thing is all the 7 resell rights products are available in various PLR site. So, I think you don’t get any extra facilities using those 7 DFY products.
Attention More False Statement of Sales Page :

Yes, you can be benefited if you have traffic source otherwise this four in one software is not suitable for you. DFY affiliate site never make sales for you. If you can show your offers before the targeted audience then why it will convert? So, there is nothing to be happy to see this sales page promise. This software is good not the best for recommendation.

If you want to get the best squeeze page builder then sales letter builder then you have to use click-funnel. It’s the no #1 page builder at the present time and it’s monthly charge $97. But you will get this software with this products. So, I am confused how much good looking this page builder is!. Anyway when you get offer 3 or 4 thing with 1 product then it’s never be a good quality. But I hope it will be good but not satisfactory.
Attention More False Statement of Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Sales Page :

It’s a false promise. If they cost $17,000 for creating this 10 products then why this products price is $47? If you cost $17,000 for creating for anything then how much price you will set for selling that thing? They provide you a lot of things right but it’s a over promise for motivating you. I don’t like such type of marketing. I don’t like making people to be fool.
Then they provide you 20 affiliate program for you but I am confused how it will work for you. A software never make a good affiliate program for you. Forget various software it never run your business for lifetime. Find a Evergreen Affiliate Program that will help you to learn and earn at the same time. (Get Started Here for Just – $7)

Dear marketer 100% DFY means it’s not change your struggling days by using this. In online business traffic is the blood. So run behind the traffic, then money will run behind you. No DFY funnel bring good results if you don’t have targeted traffic sources and in this product you never get quality traffic sources for promoting this funnels. So, take time and make decision with the right truck.
Look Here Edited Income Screenshot and Fake Users Testimonial:

You will see every sales page contains more and more income or traffic screenshot but there is nothing to believe this. Income screenshot is only for motivating you to buy this product. If the products are good then income screenshot is not needed for selling this.
Then Testimonials/ Reviews is another false motivating elements in every sales page. Most of the reviews are fake or sold by various freelancing site. Then most of the vendors provide good, amazing reviews of other vendor’s products. So, don’t believe in fake testimonials, believe the real user reviews.
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Has 4 Upsell :

Upsell is a pain because when you start you work using this product a lot of obstacle are facing for various upsell. Suppose you can get 5 DFY products for selling in front end offer but I you want 10 DFY products then you have to buy upsell1… after that upsell 2 for other purpose then 3, 4 for completing the complete package. But the results is not sure. You need targeted traffic sources for getting results. So, why need to buy such type of bogus DFY product.! After all there is huge reasons for that I don’t like this product and I can’t recommended it for using.
My 7 Years Online Marketing Experience :
I have bought 200+ products of fake promising like this… A lot of ridiculous fake screenshots and fake promise inside their sales page to make a fool of people. I tried a lot of methods and most of the methods are not workable. Some methods help to get few traffic but all are bulk traffic a single sales are not made by them. When you see ‘earn within 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes’ etc then it’s a big LIE. If you have a 10,000+ buyer list/email then you can see money within such short time otherwise it’s not possible anyhow. Spend your money in such a place from where you can get the real tricks and proven to make money for a lifetime. Finally, I am making $10,000 per month using a SOLID and PROVEN high-ticket program. You can (Start Here with Just – $7) today.!
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review – Secure It With 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

You are risk free when you are getting results using this software. Every product needs money back guarantee to get approval from the company for selling this product. Money back guarantee is only for this, most of the vendors promise it to refund but when you asked for refund most of them don’t response with it. After buying a product if you face any problem to understand then if you contact with their support team then you will get response minimum 3/4 days later. Then if you can’t apply or can’t make any money then the vendor don’t open your support mail. After long days later vendor will be appeared with a lot of blame, a lot of lame excuses. So there is nothing to be satisfied to see this BIG money back guarantee. You just can refund by the company or dispute in PayPal.
Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review – Conclusion :
Finally, I want to say Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 is good not the best. I don’t say it’s a scam, or totally not workable. If you have enough targeted traffic sources then you can get results using this software. But as a newbie or non-experienced it’s totally not recommended. This product has few good features but overall it can’t you get the mental and financial satisfaction. If you think this product will change your struggling days and of you have enough money to test every products then you can buy it right now! Guys stop buying various fake promising products, choose a right way of getting success. If you buy products day by day then when you will earn money? So, stop here and don’t be fool in again. Thanks for reading my Affiliate Funnel Bot-2 Review and take the best decision. I respect your decision.
Personal Using E-mail : internetmarketer@rajubhadra.me
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Have a Great Rest of Your Day!