Smash My Campaigns Review by Brendan Mace – ⚠️100% Scam Alert⚠️

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Smash My Campaigns Review

Welcome to Smash My Campaigns Review. I am Raju Bhadra a professional Review writer of various make money related methods and software. Today I am going to share my honest opinion about Smash My Campaigns. Inside this member’s area you are going to get 13 affiliate campaign of Brendan Mace. Every day a lot of software releases in various marketplace. So, it’s very much difficult to choose the right one. Before purchasing this software you must need to know about everything details inside it.

All the used 13 affiliate campaigns can’t provide you GOOD results for purchasing this product. I HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED this product to anyone. I deeply describe the fault of this product. Read my Smash My Campaigns Review and see why this product is not recommended for anyone.

Summary of Smash My Campaigns – Smash My Campaigns Review

First, you have to know what is about this product. It’s necessary to know what is this related to and do you need it or not!

Creator: Brendan Mace & Jono Armstrong

Product: Smash My Campaigns

Launch Date: 2020-Jan-29

Launch Time: 9:00 EST

Price: $13 [Doesn’t Worth]

Skill: Minimum 3+ Years of Online Working Experience

Upsell: You must need all 5 OTO’s for getting full features

Niche: Affiliate Marketing

Workable or Not: Not Workable Properly

Recommendation: Highly NOT Recommend! [Don’t Waste Money & Time]

My Personal Rating: 2/10

My No #1 Recommendation: 6-Figure Business Model ($10,000/mon)

What is Smash My Campaigns? Smash My Campaigns Review

Smash My Campaigns Review
Smash My Campaigns Review

They call this “Smash My Campaigns” because you get 13 of their top-performing affiliate marketing campaigns ready to go in a “SMASH.” All you have to do is ‘copy and paste’ and you’re on your way to money in your PayPal.

Why I Don’t Recommend Smash My Campaigns for Anyone?

  1. > Smash My Campaigns is not a proven campaign that it works.
  2. -> You may get 13 previously used campaigns but, there are no traffic sources for selling and making affiliate commissions.
  3. -> It’s all a fancy campaign and you must need tech skills and working skills for applying this product.
  4. -> This method is not a newbie-friendly method.
  5. -> Smash My Campaigns is not a Done-For-You campaign for generating affiliate commissions.
  6. -> Inside this training area you don’t get any real-life case study.
  7. -> All those methods are revealed in many days before so you don’t get enough affiliate commissions for purchasing this product.
  8. -> Using those campaigns you don’t get results in 24 hours.
  9. -> You need at least 3+ years of working experience.
  10. -> Smash My Campaigns is not a copy-paste formula for getting traffic and making money.
  11. -> Then have to wait for a minimum of 1 month or more to start working properly and earning is far away.
  12. -> This software doesn’t work in 3 steps. It’s totally a false promise.
  13. -> All the 5 OTO’s are also mandatory for getting full features of this product.
  14. -> If you are a newbie marketer then you don’t understand the tutorial.
  15. -> Smash My Campaigns is not a scale-up able product for your online business journey.
  16. -> Length training and you have to wait a minimum of 1+ months for applying this method.
  17. -> Doesn’t worth the price($13) of those previously used methods. (Join No #1 High-Ticket Business Model for Just $7[if the discount is available then $1]

I think all those reasons are enough for not choosing this Smash My Campaigns product. It just wastes your money and time but you never get any positive results from this product. I think all those reasons are enough to say it’s Highly Not Recommended. If you buy a product day after day then when are you learn to earn? So, STOP here!

I Have Few Questions to You…

– Do you want to earn money from Affiliate Marketing for LIFETIME?

– Do you want a PROVEN & SOLID online business model?

– And want to get High-Ticket Affiliate Commission EVERY DAY?

If all of your answers are ‘YES’

Then Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> See How I Make $10,000 Per Month for FREE Without Any Hard Work >>

Some Fake Promises and False Statements Inside the Sales page:

When you’ll see the fancy sales page of this product, you’ll think this product is perfect for making affiliate commissions. But the reality is different. Most of the make money related products make their sales page so much lucrative for making a good conversion. If you think all the promises are true then you are totally wrong. Find out the major false statements of this sales page.

Inside this member’s area, you’ll get 13 used not workable campaigns but you never bank $1,500 from any of the campaigns. If it possible then the vendor never revealed those campaigns. You can use those campaigns as your own but you have to take time for setting up it’s not possible few minutes to set up all campaigns.

This product never changes your destiny. There is nothing special to changes everything. It’s totally a fake promise for making sales. Don’t be a fool again believing this type of fancy promises. This type of product can’t make a single dollar for you so, you can’t quit your job depending on this type of bogus not working product.

see more below…

Smash My Campaigns Review

No method or software can make money in just 3 steps. I think steps do not matter if the method works properly. But the problem is no method works properly as their sales page promise. So, if you think you can make money within 3 easy steps then you are totally wrong. It’s so simple to say but very much difficult to do. So, think again if you can make money in just 3 steps then everyone can make it too but do it?

Then you never get a free traffic method inside this product. Free traffic is not fact, targeted traffic is the factor of making the online sale.

Smash My Campaigns Review

Here is no real-life case study for following them. It’s a typical product of 13 previously used methods that not work anymore. Most of the vendor claims that the copy-paste method but actually no methods can’t be copy-paste. So, don’t depend on their fake promises.

Some Speech About Income Screenshot and Users Testimonial:

Smash My Campaigns Review

Income screenshot is only for motivating you to buy this product. A lot of page editing software makes various income screenshots as you want. So, the sales page money image is not your money. hahahah…..

Now, learn about the user’s review. Most of the renowned vendor are linked with others when one release a product then others make a good, amazing, awesome review of this product. Basically they are not user they just get the review access file from the vendor. Believe in practical experience, not testimonials.

I believe in practical. I am using an awesome platform and the creator of this program is straight and forward. He never says income within 10 minutes, traffic within 24 hours, build a website in just 1-click, etc… Most of the people’s passion is to earn money. But it’s so much tough on the other hand so much easy. It depends on you. Your decision will say your destination…. So, a real and proven business model is rear. After all, I am happy with my situation. You also can (Join Here) and change your situation. I don’t force or request or order you. It’s your personal decision. But if you want to learn then you have to pay. Nothing is free in this world.

Without OTO’s Smash My Campaigns is Not Complete :

Smash My Campaigns Review

Smash My Campaigns contains a minimum of 5 upsells. And if you buy front end product then you must have to buy upsell 1, if you want to start working. After that, you have to buy up-sell 2, for more details … then upsell 3,4,5 for the complete package. After buying all 6 products then you need a lot of tools for various tasks(website, hosting, autoresponder, content builder, making video etc…) but making no money. Then you fed up with all this and then you realize the false promise of the sales page. I am telling you all the internal things about this product because I want to save your time and your money. If you think it promises able then you are going to lose a minimum of 600+ dollars and 30+ days. Now the decision is yours.

Why You Should Choose My No #1 Recommendation:

  1. Smash My Campaigns is a product of 13 previously used and saturated methods but my no #1 recommendation is a training program of AFFILIATE MARKETING. This will teach you ‘where you can start your online business and how it’ll run for a lifetime’.
  2. My no, #1 recommendation is a high-ticket program you can earn $1,000 by a sale.
  3. It’s a newbie-friendly training course for any kind of marketer newbie or an experienced marketer.
  4. It’s a proven training program of affiliate marketing already hundreds of marketers have made thousands and thousands of dollars using this training program.
  5. You can start here for just $7 [if the discount is available then $1] when The Kibo Code needs $3497 to join.


Finally, I don’t want anyone to buy this product that contains 13 used not workable affiliate campaigns. It never provides you good results for making money. In the case of affiliate marketing, you first need targeted traffic but inside these methods, you don’t get any targeted traffic sources. If you have huge money for testing every product then you can purchase this product. but who wants to start a real online business and want to make affiliate commissions then this product is not for them. Now all decision is yours.

I can loudly say it’s NOT A RECOMMENDED product for making affiliate commissions. So, DON’T BUY this product and don’t waste your time & money behind this product. Thanks for reading my Smash My Campaigns Review and take the right decision. Thanks.


My No #1 Recommendation:

For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin…

Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> How I Make $10,000 Per Month for FREE Without Any Hard Work >>

“If you have any questions about this method then don’t hesitate to comment”.


Raju Bhadra.