MailEngageX Review – [Don’t Buy] – It’s Not Workable Software!

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MailEngageX Review

Welcome to my MailEngageX Review. I am Raju working online since 2012. Now I am here to provide you the best and honest review of MailEngageX App. Before purchasing you must learn about it. What is this, how it works, is it benefited for you or not, scam or not everything. I am here disclose everything point to point. After getting the review access I am not satisfied with this software. I think it will not help you to your Email Marketing. It’s can’t be RECOMMENDED for ANYONE. I don’t say scam but It’s not perfect for working. Read my MailEngageX Review full and learn the lacking of this MailEngageX software.

MailEngageX Review – Summary of MailEngageX :

First you have to know what is about this product. It’s necessary to know what is this related and do you need it or not!

Vendor : Neil Napier & Vipul Garg
Product Name : MailEngageX
Launch Date : 2019-Sep-17
Launch Time : 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price : $47
Skill : Minimum 6+ Years Experience
Guarantee : 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, It just a sentence [NOT APPLICABLE]
Niche : Software
Upsell : 4 [Without Upsell MailEngageX is Not Complete]
Recommendation : Highly NOT Recommend! [Don’t Waste Money & Time]
Refund Ratio : Over 13%
Rating : 3/10

MailEngageX Review – What is MailEngageX?

MailEngageX 25-In-1 Email marketing software. The perfect package to get 3X clicks on any Email broadcasts you send.
with MailEngageX, you can create emails that get more clicks! With our special tools like Personalised Videos in Emails & Mute Button Technology, you will see your CTR skyrocket.

MailEngageX Review – Why I Can’t Recommend MailEngageX – Reasons Are Here :

-> MailEngageX is not a PROVEN software that works.
-> You have to 20K mail/list minimum if you want to get benefit.
-> More than 5+ Years online marketing experience.
-> You need to purchase all 4 upsell for applying this software.
-> You have to spend more money for Various other purpose.
-> Length training of 4/5 weeks.
-> Not perfect for Newbie or 3/4 years experienced marketer.
-> The price($47)is so high doesn’t worth it.
-> A lot of errors inside the MailEngageX software.


“If anyone can MAKE A SINGLE DOLLAR by using this MailEngageX Software, then comment below. I will delete my post” – It’s my GUARANTEE.!

I am fully confident that it’s Not Recommended for anyone.(Get Started World’s No# 1 Online Business Model)

MailEngageX Review – MailEngageX is Not as Workable as It’s Sales Page :

MailEngageX Review

At first I want to say MailEngageX is only for them who have minimum 20k mail list. If you have no mail or 4k/5k mail then is will not work for you. It’s a rigid and costly software so newbie go away 1000 hands from MailEngageX.

Yes, it’s included 25-in-1 app but it not triple your clicks ans sales, It’s a big LIE. Then the current users are not calling it ‘the world’s best click through rate booster suite’. It just a simple mail sender software but not working properly. Few days ago such type of software name Xmail was revealed in JVZoo. But it can’t run their business because of their huge lacking. I also bought that software and I refunded it by disputing in PayPal. MailEngageX is also a such quality software. Now say, How can I recommended it.?

MailEngageX Review

Email marketing is the best for instant selling. I LOVE email marketing very much. It’s never END. But you need some sources from where you can get new mail/list daily, otherwise your email marketing will be ended anytime. MailEngageX is just a mail sender software nothing else. But you need to focus on collecting mail more and more. Such type of sender software available in market. But I personally don’t believe such type of software. This type of software is only for stealing other people’s mail. When you import your list then they will collect all of your targeted list by one click.

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Attention Here to See More False Promise of MailEngageX Sales Page :

MailEngageX Review

If you have huge mail list then you don’t need any software for building strong relationship with your subscribers. It happens automatically. There is nothing special anything interactive elements. You can add auto-play videos with personalization using any autoresponder in the market. You can get this facilities in every autoresponder company. Big brands like Apple, Netflix never use such type of fake software for their engagement. They all are use their personal enterprise mail sender. Don’t need to believe their false statement.

MailEngageX Review

If you want 400% ROI in email marketing then you need super targeted buyer mail list. A software never increase your ROI in email marketing. Then when you want to integrate this software with other autoresponder most of the autoresponder don’t accept this software or you will be faced a lot of obstacle. Such type of software never drive triple of you clicks and sales.

Then every autoresponder company provide this option to integrate your social media share buttons. It’s not special anything to be impressed. Email marketing is not for newbie marketers you must need marketing expertise for getting success.

This MailEngageX is a big TRAP for stealing your mail. There is nothing anything for that reason you need this bogus software. When you want to use this software you need to permit them all the access to your mail list and it’s the main reason to release such type of fake software. This software never give you the email marketing secret, It just a email sender software. So, nothing to be satisfied seeing their false statement of sales page.

MailEngageX Review – Look Here to See More False Promise of MailEngageX Sales Page :

MailEngageX Review

MailEnageX is build only for stealing your mail from you. This software is not solution fro your email marketing success. This 6 major is available in every autoresponder at the present time. There is nothing special here. Your mail conversion will be depended on your mail script. This software never increase your conversion ration. Then engagement depends on your activities. If you provide some bonuses or gifts to your list member then they always engage with you, but most of the email marketer never do it they always promote their offers and products for selling. It’s not the right way of email marketing. Forget this bogus software and start you online business with a real online business model.(Start Here for – $7)

Every vendor says this common sentence that it’s as easy as 1-2-3… but reality is different. when you enter the members area then you realize that how much steps you needed to follow this system. Then MailEngageX is a rigid software to use. It’s not a user friendly software. Step by steps various obstacle stopped your work and kill your valuable time. When I bought Xmail software for getting more success in email marketing I also faced a lot of problems before using. After that I couldn’t use that software for various obstacles. Not only me no marketers use this software. Huge complain appeared to their facebook group huge refund quested also pending on their comment box. After all I don’t believe any mail sender software any more. Now your decision is on your hand. Take the best decision observing everything.

MailEngageX Review

Don’t believe their false statement of the sales-page. Try to find out various ways how to build your mail list huge and huge. A software never give you mental sanctification in email marketing. SKIP it right now!

Learn About Various Results Edited Screenshot and Fake Users Review:

In every sales page you will see various results screenshot. The vendor try to understand other peoples this results are given y using his software/product. But all screenshots are edited, all are fake screenshot. Such type of image is only for motivating you to buy this software/product.

Don’t believe this fake user review of MailEngageX. They all are vendors of various marketplace. When one vendor release a product then the other vendors give such type of good, amazing and awesome reviews. They are not the rel user. A lot of negative reviews about MailEngageX in the market.

I believe in practical. I am using an awesome platform and the creator of this program is straight and forward. He never say income within 10 minutes, traffic within 24 hours, build a website in just 1-click etc… Most of the people’s passion is to earn money. But it’s so much tough on the other hand so much easy. It depends on you. Your decision will say your destination…. So, a real and proven business model is rear. After all I am happy with my situation. You also can (Join Here for – $7) and change your situation. I don’t force or request or order you. It’s your personal decision. But if you want to learn then you have to pay. Nothing is free in this world.

You Must Need to Buy All 4 Upsell for Completing MailEngageX :

When you buy the front end of MailEngageX for $47 then try to start working then step by step obstacle appeared infront of you. Then you have to buy upsell1 for solving that problem or restrictions. After that upsell 2 for more details then 3 …then 4 for completing the full package. It’s the target of all the vendors. fter buying all the upsell you never use this software, you never get any results. By the end you will lose minimum 550+ dollar and 40+ days behind this MailEngageX software.

My 7 Years Internet Marketing Experience :

I have bought 200+ products of fake promising like this… A lot of ridiculous fake screenshots and fake promise inside their sales page to make a fool of people. I tried a lot of methods and most of the methods are not workable. Some methods help to get few traffic but all are bulk traffic a single sales are not made by them. When you see ‘earn within 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes’ etc then it’s a big LIE. If you have a 10,000+ buyer list/email then you can see money within such short time otherwise it’s not possible anyhow. Spend your money in such a place from where you can get the real tricks and proven to make money for a lifetime. Finally, I am making $10,000 per month using a SOLID and PROVEN high-ticket program. You can (Start Here with – $7) today.!

No-Risk 30 Days Fake Money Back Guarantee :

It says fail-proof one time invest, but you have to invest minimum 500+ dollar and with a 100% RISK. There is nothing to be satisfied to see this fake money back guarantee. Money back guarantee is need to get approval from the company to sell this software. This is not for you. Then such type of software never provide you the minimum support when you face any trouble to use this. After all quick support , money back guarantee all those are only for motivating you to purchase this software. They says you will get immediate refund if you want but you never get refund once you buy it.




“If anyone can MAKE A SINGLE DOLLAR by using this MailEngageX Software, then comment below. I will delete my post” – It’s my GUARANTEE.!

I am fully confident that it’s Not Recommended for anyone.(See Alternative Real Online Business)

MailEngageX Review – My Conclusion About MailEngageX :

I don’t say MailEngageX is a scam software, it obviously works. But the problems are you have to minimum 20K mail, then you have to buy all the upsell, Then it’s not user friendly like other autoresponder company. So all my observation It’s NOT RECOMMENDED for newbie or 3/4 years experienced marketer.! But if you think it will bring success in your email marketing, then you may buy this. After buying this software you will realize what I am saying in my review. Anyway all decisions is depends on you, I just express my opinion. But If you don’t waste your money and value-able time then don’t need to buy this. Thanks for reading my MailEngageX Review. Best of luck.

If You have question then you can contact with Email or Comment this post. I am always ready to help you!

Have a Great Rest of Your Day!
