Geminii Review by Jono Armstrong ~ [STOP] Another Hype Software

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Geminii Review

Welcome to Geminii Review. I am Raju Bhadra an Affiliate Marketer, YouTube Influencer and a professional Review writer of various make money related methods and software. Today I am going to share my honest opinion about the ‘Geminii’ software that recently revealed by Jono Armstrong. ‘Geminii’ is a 3-in-1 arsenal of essential email marketing tools for beginners. Simple & straightforward, right out of the box.

Inside this software, a lot of technical errors, and inside the training area, you will get Solo Ads and Bing Ads method that is totally not perfect for a newbie. Without perfect targeted traffic, you never make a single dollar using this software. This is the main fault of this product and a lot of lacking working this method. Every day a lot of software/method releases in various marketplace. So, it’s very much difficult to choose the right one. Before purchasing this product you must need to know about everything details inside it.

This software is not a foundation for driving traffic, building lists, and making both affiliate commissions & direct sales. I HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED this training to anyone. (It’s only RECOMMENDED if you want to waste your time and money both). I deeply describe the fault of this not working method. Stay with my Geminii Review and see my honest opinion on why this method is not recommended for anyone.

Read this (“Big Reasons, Why Geminii Is A 100% HYPE Software & Not Recommended” AND “False Statements & Promises of Geminii Sales Page”) you’ll get the best info about this software and it’ll help you to make the right decision.

Content of Geminii Review:

Geminii Review
Geminii Review
  • Summary of Geminii
  • What is Geminii?
  • Major Facts, Why Geminii Is A 100% HYPE Software & Not Recommended?
  • False Statements & Promises of Geminii Sales Page
  • Does Geminii Worth to Buy?
  • Why You Should Choose My No #1 Recommendation
  • My Final Opinion
  • My No #1 Recommendation

Summary of Geminii – Geminii Review

First, you have to know what is about this product. It’s necessary to know what is this related to and do you need it or not!

Vendor: Jono Armstrong

Product: Geminii

Price: $28 (Front End) [Doesn’t Worth]

Niche: Software

Recommendation: Highly NOT Recommend! [Don’t Waste Money & Time]

My Personal Rating: 2.7/10

My No #1 Recommendation: 6-Figure Business Model ($10,000/month)

What is Geminii? Geminii Review

Geminii is a brand new breakthrough in DFY email marketing. This software will give any newbies access to the 3 most important tools. Everyone needs it when they start their online business. Geminii is as close as it gets to an automated income system. All you do is follow the simple step-by-step guidelines. They’ve worked extremely hard to make this the most beginner-friendly list marketing system on the planet. 

The apps include: 

1. Simple cloud-based autoresponder to allow users to get started with the wildly profitable email marketing business model. Features include the ability to upload their customer lists via .csv, send out unlimited email newsletters.

2. The Geminii email marketing toolbox; Increase your click rates using Timers, Scarcity Bars, and Buy Buttons “Inside” your emails. 

3. Squeeze page creator with 2 customizable templates fully hosted by us with the option to download all leads generated.

Geminii Review

Major Facts, Why Geminii Is A 100% HYPE Software & Not Recommended?

  1. -> Geminii is not a PROVEN & TESTED software for email marketing and making autopilot profits.
  2. -> Email marketing with PAID traffic is not 100% perfect for a newbie marketer.
  3. -> Geminii is not a Push-Button Profits software. Push-Button is just a word no one can make it.
  4. -> This is not All-In-One ‘MAX PROFIT’ list marketing system. 
  5. -> Geminii software never helps you to generate 3-4 figure profits every time.
  6. -> Geminii is not a Push-Button Profits software. Push-Button is just a word no one can make it. 
  7. -> This method is dependent on BING AD and SOLO AD, and you have to cost a minimum $2,000 per month for getting traffic.
  8. -> This software and method are not never before seen type anything. This type of BOGUS software already releases in WarriorPlus and JVZoo marketplace. 
  9. -> There is not a SINGLE reason to choose this software, this type, not workable software already revealed.
  10. -> It’s all a fancy product and you must need tech skills and working skills for applying this method.
  11. -> Geminii software never provides you a 7-figure laptop lifestyle.
  12. -> Inside this training area you will face huge obstacles in every step.
  13. -> It’s not an easy-to-use campaign builder and gets instant traffic and get paid.
  14. -> This is not an Unbeatable combination of simplicity and next-level income potential.
  15. -> All the 5 upgrades/OTO’s are also mandatory for getting full features of this product.
  16. -> Geminii is not a scale-up able method for your online business journey.
  17. -> No software can help you to start email marketing. 
  18. -> Doesn’t worth the price($28) for this front end one. (Join No #1 High-Ticket Business Model for Just $7)

I think all those reasons are enough to rethink. I Highly Not Recommended anyone to buy this method. It’s not a workable method, it’s for making you a fool.

I Have Few Questions to You…

Geminii Review

– Do you want to earn money from Affiliate Marketing for LIFETIME?

– Do you want a PROVEN & SOLID online business model?

– And want to get High-Ticket Affiliate Commission EVERY DAY?

– Do you want to RUN your online business for a lifetime?

If all of your answers are ‘YES’

Then Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> See How I Make $10,000 Per Month for FREE Without Any Hard Work >>

False Statements & Promises of Geminii Sales Page

Most of the vendor tries their best for making fancy sales page for more and more selling their products. They forget to fulfill their promises that they indicate on the sales page. Most of the newbie marketers believe all the fake claims of the vendors. But the reality is different, most of the vendors target only to sell their product not to earn your business. I find out a few big false claims inside this sales page.

Most of the newbie marketers think software can make money in a few seconds. If you are a newbie and if you are thinking like this then you are wrong. Do you think about how it possible? Do you think every big marketer use software for making their big commissions? No MAN. If the software works for getting traffic, leads, leads, and making money then everyone uses various software for making money. Even this vendor Jono Armstrong doesn’t use this software for making money. If you don’t believe me, then check his (WarriorPlus Profile) here you can see this vendor releases 2/3 products per month. If this type of BOGUS software works for making money then why he releases various products every month.? Make sense guys.!

Actually, if you can generate a list/email then why you depend on this type of BULKY software? If you use this type of software then you never Inbox your mail. Your mail inbox ratio will be 0%. If this type of software works then no marketer runs Getresponse, Aweber, Sendlane, or the autoresponder service for their email marketing. Using this software you never scale up your income and you never change your struggling days.

Continue Reading – False Statements & Promises of Geminii Sales Page

Do you know buying Solo Ad is too much risk? A lot of marketers have money for buying solo ads. If buying is too easy then every marketer can make money just buying solo ads. 95% of solo ad buyers are fraud. Then running Bing Ad you need huge and huge experience both in marketing and working. I highly warmed you, DON” T BUY this software. At first, you will lose your money buying this software, after that, you will lose your money in Bing ads and Solo ads. Don’t depend on this software for your email marketing. 

Geminii Review

I honestly say email marketing is not possible depending on any automated software. You need huge and huge marketing knowledge for email marketing. Email marketing is perfect for expert marketers. Email marketing is not a small term, software can’t do it. If this software can save huge monthly fees for autoresponders then every marketer uses this type of BULKY software. This type of software already revealed in the JVZoo marketplace is many days ago. 

This method throwing your thousand and thousand of dollars into expensive Solo Ads and Bing Ads. Then inside the front end software, you just get few features and if you want to get full features of all 3 breakthroughs then you have to buy all the 5 upgrades. It’s a trapped man. When you buy this front end then you have to buy all the other 5 upgrades and by the end, you don’t get any single results from it. (If You Want To Make Money By Affiliate Marketing Then Join This No #1 Training Program)

Continue Reading – Geminii Review

Using this software and Geminii’s elements you never get the ultimate flexibility to skyrocket results. If this type of software works perfectly then every marketer already earns money by email marketing. This software is not only the solution you have to buy your traffic from Bing ads and Solo ads. You have to invest a minimum $2,000 per month for getting your traffic and traffic is the main FACT in online marketing. 

Geminii Review

Geminii is not the perfect profitable list of marketing software. This type of software already revealed in the various marketplace. Using DFY templates no can get success in email marketing. Inside this software, you never get next-generation tech and limitless traffic. It’s not possible to generate 24/7 commissions on autopilot by the lead campaign. So, I don’t see any single positive site for purchasing this software. 

Geminiii is not the world’s most efficient income solution at your fingerprints. It’s not an automated income system on email marketing. The main lacking of traffic. As a newbie, you should not invest your money behind paid traffic. Paid marketing is not for the newbie. If you think I have invested money so, I’m able to make money. It’s your wrong thinking. The only invested money is not enough for making money than everyone can make money. Every marketer has money for investing.

At first, you need marketing knowledge otherwise you never get your targeted audience. So, guys don’t depend on this BUKLY software and PAID traffic. I highly NOT RECOMMENDED this fake software for anyone.


Watch My No #1 Recommendation (Educational Training Program For Online Marketing)


Funnel Breakdown of Geminii:

Upgrade 1 ($47)  – “Geminii Pro”: Unlimited Everything – While the FE is limited to 2 squeeze pages and only 3 features of the email toolbox, with this upgrade you get access to an additional 4 squeeze page templates plus ALL the features of the toolbox including – Clickable giff videos inside your emails – Personalized images – Self-interacting elements like “Yes / No” buttons – User feedback satisfaction buttons – Q&A’s – Polls – Social media buttons – Google Map graphics And many more features that will increase your clicks and sales. 

Upgrade 2 ($67) – Geminii Advanced Traffic Training: Jono will show you how to get insane traffic from AdWords using the google display network and Gmail ads… It’s like getting into people’s email inboxes without even having an auto-responder. 

Upgrade 3 ($97) – DFY Campaigns: x7 “Proven” high converting campaigns from Jono’s personal campaign collection that collectively made over $50,000. These campaigns include: – Email Swipes – Bonus Pages + Bonuses – Review Videos. 

Upgrade 4 ($197) – High Ticket DFY Funnel + Limitless Traffic: HUGE value once again here. Users get direct access to Jono’s AdWords audience by placing pixels on our sales pages for the next 365 days. It doesn’t stop there…. They also get access to Jono’s personal ads library plus access to Jono’s personal Auto-webinar funnel (complete with emails, follow up emails, and retargeting). Simply use Jono’s ads, to send to Jono’s audience and cash in ($880/sale) from the penny clicks. 

Upgrade 5 ($197) – Resellers License + Developers License: Combined developer’s rights to the software AND resell rights. With the developer’s rights, users can train their own VA to access their apps and take charge of their campaigns. Buyers of this up-sell also get to sell Geminii as if it was their own product and take away 100% commissions on the WHOLE funnel.

Does Geminii Worth to Buy?

highly not recommend this method to anyone. This product may not be solved by your traffic problem. You have to still have to fight here and there. Then days after days you will see another bulky software and method for getting traffic, making 1-click affiliate website, 1-page profit machine types spammy software. 

This type of product and method just waste your money and your valuable time. In online marketing, time is money too. So, don’t lose your time behind this type, not a workable method.

I honestly suggest you, If you want to learn affiliate marketing, want to get big affiliate commission and run your online business for a lifetime then you must need a proven training program that can help you to learn from ZERO to a SUPER AFFILIATE. It’s for anyone. (JOIN HERE NOW) The no #1 business mode ate the present time.

1 Page Profits Review

Why You Should Choose My No #1 Recommendation:

  1. Geminii is a cloud-based 3 in 1 software that will help you to start your email marketing using Solo Ads & Bing Ads, but it’s a SCAM software. On the other hand, my no #1 recommendation is a renowned Training Program of AFFILIATE MARKETING. This will teach you ‘where you can start your online business and how it’ll run for a lifetime’.
  2. My no, #1 recommendation is a high-ticket program you can earn $1,000 by a sale.
  3. It’s a newbie-friendly training course for any kind of marketer newbie or an experienced marketer.
  4. It’s a proven training program of affiliate marketing already hundreds of marketers have made thousands and thousands of dollars using this training program.
  5. You can start here for just $7 when Geminii Review Software needs $28 to buy.

My Final Opinion: Geminii Review

Finally, I want to say don’t depend on this method for your online business. You never run your business for a lifetime if you don’t have targeted traffic sources. It doesn’t worth $17 for this front end. This scam method never calculates your income destination. Day after days this type of fake method releases by the various vendor and most of the newbie marketer think it’s a big opportunity to change my bad days, but actually this type of method never works for anyone. Day by day you just lost your money never earning a single dollar using this type of bogus method. If you have huge money for testing every method then you can purchase this product. but who wants to start a real online business and want to make affiliate commissions then this method is not for them. Now all decision is yours.

I can loudly say, it’s NOT RECOMMENDED. This method never provides you financial support for you and your family. So, DON’T BUY this method and don’t waste your time & money behind this method. Thanks for reading my Geminii Review and take the right decision. Thanks.

My No #1 Recommendation:

For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin…

Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> Join No #1 Business Model for a Lifetime Online Business >>

Have a Nice Day!

ATTENTION: I’m CONFIDENT in my review. If you read my review and If you don’t believe me after that If you buy this software and if you can make a SINGLE dollar in this FUNNY software then PLEASE inform me here ( I’ll delete this review. I’m WAITING for you.

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