Equinox Review – [Don’t Buy] Another Fake Software.! By – Brendan Mace

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Equinox Review

Welcome to my Equinox Review. I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. Brendan Mace recently released a software of getting free traffic from other people’s YouTube videos. Before purchasing this software you must need to learn more information about this software. In my Equinox Review I am trying my best to give the solid information about it. After getting the access file I don’t recommended this software to anyone. It just waste your money and time. A lot of lacking inside this software and and training. Read my Equinox Review and learn step by step why this not recommended software for anyone.

Equinox Review – Summary of Equinox :

First you have to know what is about this product. It’s necessary to know what is this related and do you need it or not!

Creator : Brendan Mace, Jono Armstrong
Product : Equinox
Launch Date : 2019-Oct-19
Launch Time : 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price : $35 [Doesn’t Worth]
Skill : Minimum 5+ Years Experience
Guarantee : 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, It just a sentence [NOT APPLICABLE]
Niche : Software
Upgrade : 5 [Without Upgrade Equinox is Not Complete]
Recommendation : Highly NOT Recommend! [Don’t Waste Money & Time]
Rating : 1/10

Equinox Review – What is Equinox?

Equinox is a brand new software / training solution that you’re going to LOVE. the software covers 2 crucial points;
1. – Traffic: The software will seek out “Dead Links” (Links That Go To A 404 Page) inside of YouTube that you can easily “Revive” by purchasing the corresponding domain name. You can then re-direct this link anywhere you like (affiliate offer, clickbank, squeeze page, ecom store etc). This enables you to instantly grab traffic from other people’s YouTube videos… without creating any videos yourself
2. – Monetize: The second part of the product includes detailed training showing you how how to turn that easy traffic into money from; clickbank, JVzoo, Warrior Plus and Lead Generation.
Training is included on 3 different “Difficulty” levels showing you EXACTLY hot to make BIG money from this free traffic… step-by-step.

Why Equinox Is Fake And Not Recommended?

-> Equinox Software is not a proven software for getting traffic.
-> A lot of lacking inside this Equinox software.
-> Difficult training for newbie marketer.
-> This free traffic is not convert-able.
-> It’s not a user friendly software.
-> You have to spend a lot of money for various purpose for using this software.
-> This Equinox front end don’t provide you any results, you have to buy every upgrade.
-> Minimum 30+ days needed for completing the training.
-> Doesn’t worth the front end price of $35.

After all Equinox is not provide you the solid traffic sources for getting online sales. It’s a fake software and a lot of lacking inside the software. If you are a newbie then this type of software just waste your money and time. You must need online working skill for using this software.


“If anyone can MAKE A SINGLE DOLLAR by using this Equinox software, then comment below. I will delete my post” – It’s my GUARANTEE.!

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Equinox Review – False State of Equinox Sales Page :

Equinox Review

Equinox is not a miracle software. This software will search various dead link YouTube videos, but this videos never drive traffic and views as the sales page promise. This is totally a bogus software. If such type software works then no one make videos and no one upload their own making videos. All people use such type of fake software and steal other people’s YouTube videos. This type of software give you mental relax because you think it will drive huge and huge traffic and you make huge and huge sales from online but it’s not possible.

Equinox Review

I honestly saying you if you want to run your online business for long time or lifetime then you must have a website. In each and every case you need website. But if you think if you use this software then you don’t need nothing then you are wrong. If you want to make money from online then you must need a nice funnel for good conversion. Using such type of bogus software waste your time and money but don’t give you mental satisfaction.

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Attention Here to See More False Promise of Equinox Sales Page :

Equinox Review

This Equinox software is not enough to drive you crazy and can’t take months or even years to learn… This software never drive traffic from other people’s videos.

Making $100 per day can’t be a simple way. It’s too tough to make $100 per day. If you want to make $100 per day then you must need a solid traffic source, if you depend such type of fake software then you never make a single dollar from online.

If you use this software then it will help you to search various videos but it will not help you to well ranked and drive traffic. Getting thousands of view and traffic is not so much easy by using other people’s YouTube videos. No one make videos for you. So, there is nothing to believe such type of fake software.

If you want to get thousands of views and traffic then you have to make video by yourself. This is the best way for videos marketing. Don’t depend on other people’s videos and any video making software. Do everything by yourself.

This Equinox software never drive any traffic for making a single sales in any type of offer. In case of Affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, or eCommerce Store you need targeted buyer traffic otherwise you never get a single sale from those traffic.

In most of the sales page described that using that method or software everyone make money from various marketplace and various offers but this is not right . Yes, it is possible if you have targeted traffic source then it’s possible.

Look Here to See More False Promise of Equinox Sales Page :

Do you make money from online? If Yes, then you ever make those money from simple 3 steps? It’s not possible. Most of the vendor give this false claim in their sales page but this is not true. No one make money by 3 simple steps.

This Equinox software never drive traffic in just 3 steps. It’s a big LIE. When you input your keyword there will not be happened anything that drive traffic and views. It will not works for you. A lot of errors inside the software for using then it is not a proven software that it will drive views and traffic.

Forget Equinox software doesn’t depend on such type of fake software for making money online. A lot of awesome opportunities running beside you that will make you skill and help you to make money at the same time. (Get Started Today for $7) This will help you to make money from the lifetime, it’s an evergreen way of making money.

Equinox Review

Equinox is not getting near instant traffic and earning passive commissions from other people’s effort. Don’t believe this, it can’t be possible. Do you think it in deeply. Is it possible to make money from other people’s effort? It’s not possible.

If you want to make money from video marketing then start making video and upload it daily. You will get results very soon but if you think such type of software will derive traffic and money then it’s your wrong thinking.

Equinox Review

Don’t believe this sales page fake promise. 90% of your work is not DFY by other people. No one you do your task for making. Do you do anything for other people? Then why other people will do anything for you and why you will depend on other people for making money.

Equinox Review – False State of Sales Page :

If you buy this software then there is no good features for the front end, You have to buy all the upgrades for getting all the features but it will not work for you or anyone. When you will start to applying this software then you can few traffic from this but this bulk traffic is not convert-able anymore.

Equinox Review

You will not hijack domains and authority from YouTube, it’s not possible. This hole system is totally bogus. It’s not possible to search keyword and hijack other people’s YouTube videos for getting traffic and views.

Then you never monitazation training showing you how you can make upwards of $100/day from the free traffic you get from this fake software.

Equinox Review

If you want to apply this software then you have to buy 1/2 domain per day but you will not get any results. You never generate affiliate commissions in 24 hours or less. You never make a single dollar by using this software. Then domain flipping is not too easy as their sales page promise.

Then you never rank #1 in google any of the videos using this software.

After all there is nothing special for buying this software to use. It will kill your valuable time and money. So, forget this Equinox software and don’t depend any other fake software like this Equinox.

Some Speech About Income Screenshot and Users Testimonial:

Equinox Review

Every make money related sales page decorated with a lot of income screenshot. All this edited income image only for motivating you to purchase this product. This income image is not true and given from sing this software. So, there is nothing to believe such type edited income screenshot.

Equinox Review

Then here you see a lot of hired reviews of about this software. Most of the testimonials are hired by various freelancing site. Then other vendor make a good, nice, amazing review of every product and it’s the rules of vendors community. There is no single testimonials that you can believe. All are fake and hired. But a lot of negative claims about this software. A lot of errors inside this Equinox software.

Equinox Review – Without Upgrade Equinox Software is Not Complete :

Equinox Review

This Equinox Software contains 5 upgrade. And if you buy front end product then you must have to buy upsell 1, if you want to start working. After that you have to buy up-sell 2, for more details…. then up sell 3,4,5 for complete package. After buying all 3 products then you need a lot of tools for various tasks(website, hosting, autoresponder, content builder, making video etc…) but making no money. Then you fed up with all this and then you realize the false promise of sales page. I am telling all internal things of this product because I want to save your time and your money. If you think it promise able then you are going to loss minimum 500+ dollars and 20+ days. Now decisions is yours.

My 7 Years Working Experience :

I have bought 200+ products of fake promising like this… A lot of ridiculous fake screenshots and fake promise inside their sales page to make a fool of people. I tried a lot of methods and most of the methods are not workable. Some methods help to get few traffic but all are bulk traffic a single sales are not made by them. When you see ‘earn within 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes’ etc then it’s a big LIE. If you have a 10,000+ buyer list/email then you can see money within such short time otherwise it’s not possible anyhow. Spend your money in such a place from where you can get the real tricks and proven to make money for a lifetime. Finally, I am making $10,000 per month using a SOLID and PROVEN high-ticket program. You can (Start Here with – $7) today.!

No Risk 30- Days Money back Guarantee :

Don’t believe this 30 days double your money back guarantee. Every make money related products need money back guarantee for getting approval fore selling this product. Most of the vendor never response your support mail for any help then money back is so far away. Then if you can’t apply or can’t make any money then the vendor don’t open your support mail. After long days later vendor will be appeared with a lot of blame, a lot of lame excuses. So there is nothing to be satisfied to see this BIG money back guarantee. You can’t back your money if you buy this product once. You just can refund by the company or dispute in PayPal. But it’s a tough and length process. So, don’t waste your money again.




“If anyone can MAKE A SINGLE DOLLAR by using this Equinox Software, then comment below. I will delete my post” – It’s my GUARANTEE.!

I am fully confident that it’s Not Recommended for anyone.(See Alternative Real Online Business)

Equinox Review – Conclusion About Equinox :

Equinox is one of the worst software in 2019. It never drive traffic and views from other people’s YouTube videos. A lot of errors inside this fake software. Finally, I want to say if you want to start video marketing then make videos by yourself that will give you traffic and views for the lifetime. Don’t depend on other people’s videos and don’t depend any type of bogus software like Equinox. But if you think this software will drive traffic for you and if you have huge money for buying such type of not working software then buy this fake software again. But I highly Not Recommended this Software for anyone. You don’t get any results using this software. Thanks for reading my Equinox Review. Now take your best decision. Best of luck.

Personal Using E-mail : internetmarketer@rajubhadra.me

If You have question then you can contact with Email or Comment this post. I am always ready to help you!

Have a Great Rest of Your Day!



I am fully confident that it’s Not Recommended for anyone. (Get Started World’s No# 1 Online 6- Figure Business Model